5 Essential Skills to Look for in an IT Staff Augmentation Partner

Key Takeaways

> IT staff augmentation services are taking the IT industry to new heights!

> It can become the trump card for your IT business, too!

> You just have to know what 5 skills are essential in an IT staff augmentation partner.

five birds working together

 Fig 1. A digital illustration of five birds working together. [Source: Boston Public Library]

The IT landscape is rapidly evolving, but are businesses able to keep up with it?

Conventionally, it is impossible. But there is a solution, i.e., IT Staff Augmentation.

With this new way of building a team, companies can;

  • Add IT professionals when needed.
  • Utilize IT experts only for the required time period.
  • Maintain their team’s skill level up to date with current requirements and future predictions.
  • Decrease their expenses.
  • Deliver on time and with top notch quality.
  • Make a name for themselves!

But for all this and more, you need to pick the right IT staff augmentation partner for you!

With this LinkedIn newsletter, we aim to guide you through this important process.

If you are a business owner, a manager, or an HR professional, you will find this writeup extremely helpful to your cause!

A few facts

> Till 2025, IT staff augmentation’s market is projected to grow 11% annually!

> USD 81.87 billion will be spent on IT Staff Augmentation around the world by 2025.

> 37% of recruiters find it difficult to spot the right resource with the required skillset.

> The top three skills that a recruiter looks for are Problem solving, Teamwork and Communication.

> Latest technology, like AI, is expected to bring in 97 million new jobs by 2025!

IT Staff Augmentation and its Relevance

IT staff augmentation services help businesses in IT and Digital domains satisfy their needs for experts, quality work, and contractual projects.

It is highly beneficial if a sudden requirement arises, either due to the onboarding of a new project or some special needs of an ongoing project.

The best of all is that you can scale up or down as and when needed.

It is a game changer in today’s fast-moving world! With it, businesses can be agile, technologically advanced, and competitive.

IT Staff Augmentation Partner’s top 5 skills that make them effective

As we have already discussed, choosing the right partner among the IT staff augmentation companies in India is the most challenging and important task!

We will share a few skills, 5, to help you judge and find whether your current IT staff augmentation partner or future prospects are worth the money or not.

Rapid Recruitment & Plug-n-Play Functionality

The IT staff augmentation partner must be able to recruit rapidly to meet the unforeseen IT resourcing needs of their clients.

Plug-n-play functionality is also vital in IT staff augmentation services, as the demand for a particular resource might change or end abruptly as well!

Wildnet Technologies provides IT resources within 48 hours and provides plug-and-play features.

Flexibility & Scalability

Over time, when companies mature, they become rigid with their SOPs, standard operating procedures, and escalation matrixes.

But to keep growing, they need flexibility and scalability!

Flexibility helps in adapting to the current scenario and delivering top notch work. While scalability helps in taking rapid decisions that can generate a lot of profit if taken on time.

Wildnet Technologies provides time zone flexible resources that work remotely along with your in-house team, and with our large pool of 350+ in-house and 8,000 deployed resources, we can help you scale!

Technical Expertise & Industry Knowledge

The IT resources that you are going to get from your IT staff augmentation partner must be technically sound!

They must have knowledge of their industry along with niche exposure.

This helps bring the in-house team up to the mark and even beyond industry standards. The team further benefits from the fresh perspective brought in by these experts.

Wildnet Technologies provides experts with a minimum 5 years of experience in various domains and niches.

Proven track record in the IT deployment and efficiency domains

How would you believe the words of your IT staff augmentation partner?

You need proofs, i.e., client testimonials, case studies, market research, awards, and recognitions in the IT staff augmentation services field, to make informed decisions.

Plus, conducting aptitude tests and technical rounds of the candidates offered by the IT staff augmentation provider helps your business choose the apt IT talent!

You can judge their efficiency by giving them sample tasks.

Wildnet puts you in the driving seat while helping you choose the best possible IT resources for you!

Methodologies, Cultural Fit, and Data Security

You can’t partner with a company that does not match your work culture, processes, and security compliances.

So, find out if

  • They work on Agile or Scrum.
  • Their work culture, communication, turnaround times, and ability to adapt as per the feedback.
  • They follow any data protection laws and ensure compliance with industry standards.

Wildnet Technologies understands all this and thus provides resources that adapt to the client’s team process, work culture, and data security norms.

You would also need to see which prospect offers a better pricing model and contract flexibility!

The Strategic Considerations of the IT Staff Augmentation Partnership

The above 5 skills help you make the right decision while choosing the right IT staff augmentation partner out of the best IT staff augmentation companies in India.

But here are a few more considerations that will come in handy:

  • Business goal alignment,
  • Industry understanding,
  • Transparent hiring, and
  • Ongoing support and training.

These few pointers can further enrich your search for the perfect IT staff augmentation partnership!

Conclusion: Right IT Staff Augmentation means Max Success

With the right IT staff augmentation partner, the doors leading towards maximum success will thwart open!

They will be the USP or unique selling point of your brand, which will always keep you on top of the competition.

Your IT staff augmentation partner must be invested in your growth and success! And finding such a partner is the meaning of life, isn’t it?

Wildnet Technologies has been a leader in IT staff augmentation services for more than 17 years. We have worked on 2100+ projects and deployed 8,000 resources in them.

If you would like to read more,

Top 10 Staff Augmentation Companies in India

Case Study | How Outsourced teams help in delivering on time and within budget?

> Wildnet’s Digital Yum (our thought leadership’s weekly POV)

Contact us now at info@wildnettechnologies.com and start your exponential IT journey!


FAQ 1. What is the IT staff augmentation process?

Ans: Augmenting your in-house IT or development team with external IT experts that work together in tandem with your team is known as the IT staff augmentation process.

FAQ 2. How do I choose staff augmentation services?

Ans: Simple; first, you figure out your needs, skills, and timelines. Then you start your search for an IT staff augmentation partner that can fulfill these requirements.

FAQ 3. What are the benefits of IT staff augmentation for your business?

Ans: A few of the benefits of IT staff augmentation services for your business are,

  • Expertise and Exposure,
  • Flexibility & Scalability,
  • Cost-effectiveness,
  • Plug-n-play feature,
  • Contractual developers, and
  • Fresh Perspective.

FAQ 4. What is the difference between staff augmentation and IT outsourcing?

Ans: This is a very valid question.

When you add a few members to your in-house team, it is an augmentation of your staff, aka IT staff augmentation.

But when you completely outsource a team or a project, it is known as IT outsourcing.

Sometimes, the same vendor provides both, like Wildnet Technologies!

FAQ 5. What is the difference between staff augmentation and RPO?

Ans: RPO stands for recruitment process outsourcing, which means you probably won’t have a big in-house HR team and all the hiring work is being handled externally.

This means that you have given an enormous amount of control to an external party! It is beneficial for startups, as they wouldn’t have to handle hiring then.

But the best solution to hiring is IT staff augmentation, because you retain all the control and set terms accordingly!


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