What are three key considerations when researching keywords for search engine optimization?

What are three key considerations when researching keywords for search engine optimization?

When it comes to improving the search engine presence of a particular fansite, keyword evaluation is a world step. The right set of keywords can be lethal to an SEO strategy or vice versa. 

But there lies the question: how do you distinguish which keywords should be chased after? There are three main things that you should consider when evaluating keywords for search engine optimization.

1. Search Volume

Determining the Value of Search Volume

Search volume is synonymous with how often a particular keyword has been searched during a certain time frame, in this case, a month. The higher the search volume, the more searches are done on a keyword which means increased traffic to the site if it ranks well for that keyword. Nonetheless, high search volume keywords also attract their share of challenges including high competition and the need for more extensive resources in order to rank well for them.

Also, it should be kept in mind that search volume will not always be constant and could be altered seasonally, politically or by trends. For instance, words that have their meaning in purchase word related to holidays will be read in great numbers few months before the festivities. Mastering these will help in constructing new ideas out, in due time.

Search Volume Measurement Tools

A few things can help you find how many searches occur:

Google Keyboards: This tool is free of charge for google and contains information about how often people conduct searches and provides them with keywords. It can be helpful for beginners who look for reliable SEO reporting tools without spending money.

SEMrush: It is a highly efficient SEO tool which has access to search volume regarding a domain. Other than keyword search volume even SEMRUSH has other parameters like keyword competition and others. Therefore this definite case is for pros coming to SEMRUSH.

Ahrefs: It is also one of the best SEO tools whereby it offers every marketer search volume with some other useful measures. Ahref has a great capacity in backlink analysis which will also aid you in outline out market trends on the keywords you are targeting.

What Is Search Volume?

High-search volume keywords may bring in traffic to your website, but more often than not these are quite competition dominated. Low search volume level keywords may not generate sufficient traffic but most times are easy to search. There should be a risk of chasing both ends of the distribution and that is what a comprehensive web marketing effort entails.

It is also important to look at the underlying reasons for the search volume. For example, a keyword’s high volume may not be beneficial as the intention behind the search will be irrelevant to your content. In this way, both the numbers and the characteristics of the targeted traffic are very important.

2.Keyword Difficulty

What Is Keyword Difficulty?

Keyword difficulty states how easy it is, or how hard it is, to achieve higher rankings for a certain keyword. High difficulty means most keyword market has already been captured by big and established sites making it very hard for any new and small sites to rise up and compete. At the low end of the scale, low difficulty means few tenants. Thus, higher ranks are more easily obtainable with lesser efforts.

Firstly, it should be noted that a keyword difficulty metric is circumstantial. A keyword that seems hard to rank for one type of industry may actually be easy to rank for in another industry. Hence, it is important to be stating the industry that makes use of such Keywords.

Some of the Tools Which Are Through Which The Keyword Difficulty Is Measured

Moz: Specialized tool on the web that helps one in doing a keyword difficulty from zero to hundred percentages and as more put the further the competition. In addition, Moz provides the domain authority data for the competitor’s websites, allowing for the assessment of the competition.

Ahrefs: Provides a keyword difficulty score based on the strength of the top ranking pages. Ahrefs has a different algorithm to determine difficulty, where backlinks and quality of content are important among other factors.

SEMrush: SEMrush also has a metric that enables you to determine how difficult a keyword is to rank for. SEMrush incorporates its keyword difficulty tool with other tools such as competitive analysis and keyword suggestions offering a full picture.

Why Keyword Difficulty Matters

It’s no secret that concentrating on high-difficulty keywords can bring about much stress, especially when the website is new and does not have any authority. Instead, it is important to find the middle ground by addressing both the high competition and low competition keywords. It makes it possible to achieve quick wins while also gaining on significant keyword rankings over some time.

Targeting easy to rank keywords is also a good strategy for generating initial organic traffic efforts. When your site starts acquiring authority and links, will be able to target more difficult and competitive keywords contributing towards continual growth for your SEO strategy.

3.Understanding your Audience’s Relevance

What Is Audience Relevance

Relevance is the extent to which a keyword matches the content on a website and the perspective of the target market. For example, a keyword may rank well in terms of search volume and low in terms of competitive difficulty, but that will not help you if the keyword is not what your audience is looking for. To be able to find the right keywords, it is essential to know what the audience needs, wants, and what are their pain points.

Relevance, however, does not end simply with keyword content matching. It includes the essence of the keyword and whether the user will be investigating information, looking for products, or purchasing services. Spelling out the right content aspect to satisfy the user’s motive can considerably prepare one for ranking and targeting the reader.

How Relevance Can Be Measured

Google Analytics: Checks the performance of your content and the extent to which it meets the expectations of the audience. Thus, you will be able to adjust your keyword approach to audience needs by following how they behave.

Surveys and Feedback: Provide an avenue where your audience has a chance to express themselves and thereby providing information on what they are searching for. Seeking feedback and conducting surveys on a regular basis will prevent the misalignment from happening.

Competitor Analysis: Understand your competitors’ targeted keywords to determine what is relevant to your audience. With SEMrush and Ahrefs, you can perform a competitor analysis and see which keywords you should also target.

Why Relevance Matters

If the keywords are used incorrectly, such as choosing overrated and irrelevant ones, only the unwanted traffic is obtained which increases the bounce rates and decreases the conversion rates. It is very important to understand if your keywords are achievable and popular, but also useful to the audience. Relevance builds the authority behind the page improving users’ length of stay on the site and increasing their chances of converting.

Furthermore, relevant keywords are also more likely to secure a win long after concentrating on the keyword research. This is because keywords are becoming all search engines as they evolve more and more. Thus integrating relevance to your SEO is a strategy that can benefit you in competition today.

Bringing all the pieces together

It goes without saying that elements such as search volume, keyword difficulty, and keyword audience competitiveness must be considered when looking for relevant keywords for SEO purposes. Achieving the right balance of these three factors is going to help you establish a better performing SEO plan for your website that delivers actual audiences. The three existing factors when fused together, form a general proposition that aims at encouraging both short-term satisfaction and a lot of growth for the business in the future.

Example: Evaluating a Keyword

Suppose you have been blogging on healthy eating habits and you want to target the keyword “best superfoods in the world”.

Search Volume: According to Google Keyword Planner, the search phrase “Best Superfoods” can be searched at least 10,000 times in a month.

Keyword Difficulty: High competition is expected as Moz suggests the keyword difficulty at 70.

Relevance: Since your blog is about health optimization, ‘best superfoods’ are pertinent to yours fully healthy audience.

In this case, you may be able to rank for “best superfoods” but you should also consider phrase alternatives to it like “the most popular superfoods for health” or “superfoods health benefits” which are less competitive. In this case, you can cast the net wide in order to reach as many users as possible while still concentrating on relevant information.

Further Research Objectives

Although search volume, keyword difficulty, and relevance are essential elements of the success of any topic, do not forget other aspects such as content, user interaction, and backlinks. These factors also have a considerable effect when it comes to the overall performance in SEO. Complementing such techniques, there are ‘other’ factors which may effectively contribute to the achievement of set goals.

Synthesis of the Study

It is evident that proper keyword research and analysis is one of the most important ingredients without which any SEO recipe is bound to fail. When focusing on search volume, keyword difficulty, and relevance of the competing interests, it allows to obtain more targeted visitors and therefore higher positions in search engines.

There is no cessation to use these considerations in any keyword research for the purposes of enhancing the efficiency of search engine optimization to progressively better. These will increase search results noticeability as well as promote the interaction between users and the site thereby enhancing its success.

Wildnet Technologies, being the best digital marketing company in India, also caters Seo Services to our clients!


Q: What are three key considerations when evaluating keywords for search engine optimization?
A: Search volume, keyword difficulty, and relevance to target audience.

Q: What are the three key components of optimizing for SEO?
A: On-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO.

Q: What are the three components of a search engine?
A: Crawling, indexing, and ranking.

Q: What are the three pillars of search engine optimization?
A: Technical SEO, content quality, and backlink profile.

Read more:

What is the best free keyword research tool for SEO?

Keyword Intent – Unlocking the Key to Attracting Targeted Traffic

Keyword Research for SEO – What It Is and How to Do It

Cracking the Keyword Code for SEO in 2024 – A Straight Talk Guide


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