Building Remote Teams’ Strategies for Higher Performance

Key Takeaways

> Do you know how to build a remote team?

> Do you wish to build remote team?

> Read this blog to unlock strategies to get higher performance from remote teams!

Building remote teams for the best and most cost effective development is a strategic pivot that is evident in the software development industry!

You can easily tap into a global resource pool via remote teams.

But to ensure that the remote team you are building is also higher performing, you will have to tackle a lot of challenges!

In this blog, we will share with you the strategies that will ensure that building remote teams results in top notch performance.

We will also share how IT outsourcing is helping make the role of contractual developers important!

If you are a business owner, a CTO, a project manager, or a software developer, this blog will unravel the magic of building remote teams.

A few facts about Building Remote Teams

Understanding the Remote Team Landscape and Best Practices

The remote development realm is diverse and vast.

You have 24×7 coverage by adding remote developer experts from all over the globe. Plus, it makes your remote teams much more inclusive and culturally diverse.

This diversity will become your strength by bringing in a varied skillset and unique perspectives to your development projects.

But if left unchecked, building remote teams can present infinite challenges too!

Challenges like time zone differences, communication barriers, and team cohesion can easily pop up to derail your dream of building a high performing remote team.

Fret not, we got you!

Remote Teams: Defining Team Expectations & Objectives

A high performing remote team must have clear expectations and objectives.

This helps the remote teams to work on shared understanding, which helps solve any future inefficiency and disorganization.

Just follow the SMART approach:

  • Specific about what needs to be done.
  • Measurable i.e., how the work will be quantified?
  • Achievable i.e., is the budget & time enough to achieve the targets?
  • Relevant i.e., how relevant the development is for the users?
  • Time-bound i.e., when to start and when to finish?

With this approach, all the remote team members will be on the same page about the development project.

Establishing Communication Channels for Remote Teams

Communication keeps remote teams alive and kicking!

With effective communication channels, your remote teams become productive and properly glued together.

Some of the tools that you can use for effective communication are,

  • Zira
  • Slack
  • Skype

Choose the communication tool that meets the needs of your remote teams, accurately!

Apt Project Management Tools for Your Remote Teams

Appropriate project management helps you in managing remote teams aptly, achieving your business goals faster, and tackling any unforeseen circumstances proactively!

They help in streamlining the workflow, reducing miscommunication, and boosting productivity.

Tools for proper project management are,

  • Trello
  • Asana

The right project management tool can bring out drastic changes to the efficiency of your remote teams.

IT Staff Augmentation and Remote Teams

IT Staff Augmentation helps you hire expert developer resources on a contractual basis within a limited time period.

With Wildnet Technologies, you can hire developer experts for your remote teams within 48 hours!

Plus, with IT staff augmentation, you get to

  • Access Larger Talent Pool.
  • Save on various expenses.
  • Be more Flexible.
  • Be much more Scalable.
  • Have a Fresh Perspective.

To ensure top-notch performance from your IT staff augmentation resources in your remote teams, follow the above-mentioned strategies used to boost the productivity of remote teams.

Integrating Contractual Developers in your Remote Teams

The contractual developers you hire from IT outsourcing can make or break your business!

To ensure proper integration into your inhouse team, you need to

  • Follow the SMART Approach.
  • Use common communication and project management tools.
  • Organize office culture trainings and refresher courses for quality assurance.

The best way to optimize contractual developers from an IT staff augmentation provider is to start slow and scale accordingly!

Remote Teams: High Performance Techniques

Performance optimization strategies are vital to ensure best-in-class performance levels when working with remote teams.

Here is how you achieve it along with the above-mentioned best practices. 

Time Tracking

Install time tracking software like Time Doctor to ensure that the remote teams are working accurately in the stipulated working hours.

Productivity Monitoring Tools

You can use tools like Teramind to keep track of the productivity of an individual team member and the whole team.

It is a continuous process wherein you analyze the performance and time utilized in doing a given work to figure out areas of improvement and then experiment to find their apt resolution, or you can opt for contractual developers from Wildnet!

Remote Teams: Team Cohesion and Culture building

The best way to have your remote team working as one is to foster the team culture and cohesion.

You can do this via,

  • Regular team meetings,
  • Team building activities, and
  • Crafting Community sense among the team.

By setting clear expectations, praising, and providing timely feedback, you can further let your remote team bond together over common growth!

Remember that trust plays an important role in building a well-oiled remote team and thus encourage open communication, as well!

Continuous Learning & Upskilling

If you set up a growth path for each of your remote team members and for the whole team, then the team will function better.

Because it helps your team,

  • Feel cared for, and
  • Gives them the opportunity to grow.

A caring and growing remote team is a happy team and a happy team will garner great results!


Rewards and Recognitions are crucial to show that the company cares about each & every achievement of their remote teams.

It also boosts the team’s morale and motivates them to keep going on.

Try giving usable rewards, like a family dinner, a movie night, or an Amazon voucher, as they will percolate into the families of your remote team members.

This will materialize happy memories amongst your remote teams.

Conclusion: Maintaining High Performance in Remote Teams

It is possible and much more feasible to maintain higher performance levels in remote teams.

As, they are already working from their comfort zones, all they need is an emotional touch along with accurate tracking.

This does not make them feel micromanaged, and they work to deliver results that are beyond imagination.

Remote teams are the future, and the sooner you align yourselves, the easier it will be to ease into it!

Wildnet Technologies is a leading IT Outsourcing company that has catered its 4+ years (average) experienced developers to successfully complete 2100+ IT projects via our IT outsourcing services that help the clients’ build remote teams.

If you would like to know more,

Onsite vs Remote Developers on Contract: Which is Right for You?

Maximizing Work Efficiency with Contractual Developer Integration

> Wildnet’s Digital Yum (our thought leadership’s weekly POV on the market’s latest marketing and digital transformations)

Connect with us now at and build your dream remote team!


FAQ 1. How to manage remote teams?

Ans: It is simple!

Here is how you do it,

  • Clearly define your objectives and expectations.
  • Use time tracking, project management, and communication tools to keep the remote teams in sync.
  • Have regular meetings, team outings, and feedback sessions.
  • Always have upskilling opportunities and allow your remote teams to share their views openly!

FAQ 2. What is a remote team?

Ans: A team that has team members working remotely from their homes or the place of their choosing is known as a remote team.

FAQ 3. How do I build a fully remote company?

Ans: To build a fully remote company, you just have to upscale the steps followed to manage a remote team.

Remember, it will take some time and effort to get used to it, but it will save a lot in expenses and will run smoothly once the remote SOPs or the standard operating procedures are defined and instilled into the company culture.

FAQ 4. How do you build a strong team culture within a remote team?

Ans: Building a strong team culture in a remote team is vital!

You can achieve this via,

  • Timely team meetings,
  • Scheduled Team-building activities, and
  • Crafting a sense of Community among the team.

FAQ 5. How do you build relationships with remote teams?

Ans: By allowing open-ended communication, caring about your team members, having team outings, and allowing each member to grow further on their career path.


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