SEO in Today's Digital Landscape (2024): Important and Unavoidable!

SEO in Today's Digital Landscape (2024): Important and Unavoidable!


Ours is a digital world. We interact more digitally compared to our physical interactions, and it is going to increase further. Businesses use websites, apps, social media handles, and more to connect with their viewers, nurture their interests, convert them into leads, and retain them as recurring and loyal customers.

Nowadays, the Sales Funnel (Awareness, Interest, Desire) is executed digitally. Imagine how potent the sales funnel can be with SEO practices that are up-to-date with the latest search engine algorithms. 

A few facts:

Thus, Organic traffic is the best kind of traffic, and it comes from Google if your website has a top ranking, i.e., on the first search result page! Google & other search engines are constantly evolving to better cater to the user’s search intent. Therefore, your website’s SEO needs to be not just smart, but also ever-evolving, to stay ahead in this game!


Search Engine Optimization: Meaning 

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a set of methods that help the search engines’ algorithms crawl and index any web page faster and better. It is a way to polish your content, and thus, the content needs to be good in the first place! It should be updated as per the changes in the said algorithms.

Figure1: Various SEO components
Figure1: Various SEO components


Types of SEO 

There are many types of SEO—13, to be exact. Even though only some of them are needed for a business, it is good to have knowledge about them all!

1. On-Page SEO: 

It is also known as On-site SEO, as it takes into account all the changes that need to be carried out on the website. It includes SEO keywords, internal inking, meta-data, image SEO, content quality, URL structure, and more. It makes the website easy to rank.

It can be achieved easily with tools like Yoast SEO and more!

2. Off-page SEO:

It is also known as Off-site SEO, as it focuses on all the factors that impact SEO (outside the website). It includes Guest Blogging (writing on someone else’s website to get a backlink), H.A.R.O. (Help A Reporter Out), Free Press, Brand Signals (online directories, social media), and more. It is done to make the website authoritative, which is assessed by the number of quality backlinks to the website.

It is a little difficult and lengthy!

 3. Technical SEO: 

It helps in making the website apt for crawling and indexing the search engine algorithms. It includes site load time (least), keyword cannibalization audit (same keyword used on many pages of one website), mobile friendliness (max), crawl-error identification, and more.

It needs a technical personal!

4. International SEO:

It helps in targeting international audiences. It includes cultural context, currency used, language used, date and time formats, and more.

It is easy to carry out but needs prior planning! 

5. Local SEO:

It helps businesses rank at the top locally, i.e., in “near me” searches. It includes geotagging the website, ratings from local users, and more.

6. Ecommerce SEO: 

It helps in optimizing the e-commerce platforms for the product that is being offered. It works best with paid searches or pay-per-click PPC, such as Amazon PPC.

It works best with a combination of SEO and PPC experts! 

7. Content SEO: 

It focuses solely on energizing your content to ensure it is easy to read, full of graphics, and has aptly placed call-to-action (CTA) buttons. It includes keyword strategies, site structure, and copywriting.

It needs a combination of an SEO and copywriting expert! 

8. Mobile SEO: 

It ensures that the website is accessible on devices other than a desktop or a laptop since each device has a different screen size and pixels. It includes website style & structure, page speed, and more.

It needs SEO and a website (front-end) expert! 

9. SEO for Leads: 

It helps in getting leads directly. By directing the increased visibility generated by using the best SEO methods to the services and products a business offers, SEO is used to generate leads.

With it, you use one arrow (SEO) to hit two targets (visibility and lead generation). It needs expert SEO personnel working with content strategists! 

10. White-Hat SEO: 

Wherever you hear white-hat, instantly one can be assured that the compliances are being met. In the case of SEO, Google has compliances to ensure the best use of SEO. It includes easy webpage navigation, content quality, and services, meta-tags (description and keyword-rich), and more.

It needs a copywriter and an SEO expert! 

11. Black-Hat SEO:

It focuses on finding and exploiting weaknesses in the algorithms of search engines. It includes link-building (paid), cloaking, keyword stuffing, and more. It gives an instant result, but if caught, the website has negative impacts (a website ban).

It should be avoided! 

12. Grey-Hat SEO: 

It works in the grey area between white-hat and black-hat SEO. It will not get your website banned, but your website remains ill-defined! 

13. Negative SEO:

It is a hated SEO practice wherein the aim is to lower your competition’s rankings. It hopes to give the business an extra edge over its competitors. It can bring legal issues, so it is best to avoid it!

A business can engage in all the above SEOs, except the black, grey, and negative!

What do you think – Investing in SEO in 2024 is necessary for a business or not?

Importance of SEO 

Let us understand the importance of SEO.

  • It helps users find what they are looking for, which is the most noble cause. As per Lee Odden, “content is the reason search began in the first place,” i.e., web content made searches possible, and now SEO makes it precise.
  • SEO keeps evolving, and thus it will not work if not updated. As per Andrew Laws, “If SEO were a human, it would be past the challenging teenage years & well on its way to becoming a semi-functional member of society,” i.e., it keeps upgrading and is now easy to use.
  • With SEO, the website is better suited for search engines, making it more visible to the users and, by default, making it their first choice.
  • It is a long term process, though, as it involves,

– Researching keywords and trends,

– Finding out their traffic volume, search intent, conversion possibilities, competition, seed vs. long-tail, and more,

– Adding them in topic, meta, headings, alt-text, and more,

– Tracking their performance,

– Optimizing the keywords for better performance and algorithms.

Thus, it is best to hire a top digital marketing agency for SEO. Also, digital marketing agencies have industry expertise, so your website remains their top priority! 

From enhancing website visibility and driving organic traffic to improving user experience and building credibility, SEO plays a crucial role in achieving online success.
Experience the power of Wildnet Technologies‘ extensively implemented and optimized SEO services, and witness the transformation in your online visibility and search engine rankings!

Benefits of SEO

You would be surprised at how beneficial SEO can be for your website. Here are the top nine benefits of inculcating SEO on websites. 

1. Ranking and Visibility enhancer: 

Your potential customers search, and with SEO’s help, they find your website. The website becomes listed on the first page and gets more ranking because more users visit it now. 

2. Credibility and Trust Builder:

Users trust those pages that appear at the top of their search results. With SEO, it is made possible, plus the search engines also feel that the website is providing reliable information. It builds your credibility and trust. 

3. Web traffic increase:

An optimized (SEO) website is bound to get more organic traffic as it is targeting those users who are searching for related keywords.

4. Cost effectiveness:

There are two ways to target the search queries: either by SEO or PPC.

  • SEO is a free approach that builds on a sustainable marketing strategy and is thus a long-term approach.
  • PPC is the paid approach, which gets instant results but is a short-term approach.

5. Adapting to Algorithms:

Search engines are adapting their algorithms to suit the search intents of their users better. Constant SEO updates help stay in line with those changes. 

6. Authority building:

With the help of backlinking and a great user experience (UX) SEO ensures that the website is treated as an authoritative figure in its industry. 

7. Targeted traffic and increased conversions:

Only relevant searches are targeted, which increases the conversion ratio (visitor to lead) via SEO.

8. User-friendliness:

SEO helps make your website user-friendly on desktops and other devices (mobiles, tablets, and more). 

9. Competitive edge:

With SEO, your website is focused on being better than the competing websites. Whereas, in PPC, it is assumed that the competing websites are better!


In short, SEO takes care of your website and helps it rank on top of the search and become the best!

SEO is thus not an option but the need of the hour! If you combine it with PPC, social media optimization (SMO), and videos, it will bring out such holistic growth that will establish the supremacy of your brand.

We at Wildnet Technologies understand SEO’s importance too well and thus offer 360 degree SEO services like SEO, SMO, app store optimization (ASO), Ecommerce SEO, Local SEO, Link Building, Guest Posting, and much more to domestic markets.

We offer similar services as a white label agency to foreign markets, be it the USA, UK, or more. We have been in the IT and Digital Marketing industry for 17+ years, delivering 660+ projects and helping to save 60% (US) and 40% (domestic) costs. We achieved this by deploying 8000+ resources.


Like to read more?

White Label Agency’s Role in Your Business (2024)

10 Lead generation ideas and 5 Lead Magnets for Your Website (2024)

Wildnet’s Digital Yum (our weekly newsletter) 

Contact us now at and revel in the glory of SEO services!



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