Why Microservices Architecture is used for Software Development?

Why Microservices Architecture is used for Software Development?

Key Takeaways

  • What is microservices architecture?
  • Why Microservices Architecture is becoming essential in Software Development?   
  • Have your developer team suggested microservices architecture-based software development services to you yet?

Microservices Architecture is the tectonic shift in the software development industry in 2024!

Design and Development services used by the world to develop mobile apps and websites are seeing its significance increase day by day.

It came into the picture to tackle the evolving technologies and business needs.

In this blog, we will show you why Microservices Architecture is important. We also explore its benefits, core principles, and comparison with other architectures.

Be it the role of Microservices Architecture in ecommerce industry or the never ending debate between microservices and architecture, we covered it all!

If you are a project manager, a business owner, or a software developer, this blog is for you.

A few facts about Microservices Architecture & software development

Fig 1. A graphical representation of global market coverage of the Microservices Architecture. [Source: Imarc] 

Microservices Architecture: The Understanding

Microservices architecture is the latest design and development approach in the software development industry.

It works by breaking down the development process of an app, for example, into smaller and independent services.

The communication between these services happens via aptly defined protocols and APIs.

Thus every service can be worked upon separately, which keeps future scalability easy.

Whereas in the traditional or monolithic design, the development would happen as a single entity, which would make working on a single feature difficult and costly!

Current software development requires a more agile and strong development process, and thus using Microservices Architecture will help in achieving the required scalability and flexibility.

Core Principles of Microservices Architecture

There are a few core principles on which Microservices Architecture is crafted, and they are:

  • Single Purposed services

It helps in handling one function per service well.

  • Loose Coupling

Services should be loosely coupled, allowing them to operate independently!

  • Independent Deployment

This helps in continued delivery of other services if one service needs to be worked upon.

The Shift: Monolithic to Microservices Architecture

There are important factors that have led to this revolutionary shift, and they are,

  • Scalability

Microservices Architecture helps in scaling one service, while in the Monolithic, you can’t work on one service without the whole software going down.

  • Need For Speed

We know you will reminisce about your childhood game, NFS, but here we mean the requirement for quicker and more frequent updates in the software.

Why Microservices Architecture is becoming essential in Software Development? The Benefits

There are several advantages that are offered by the Microservices Architecture which makes it essential in software development .

They are,

  • Scalability and Flexibility are quite important in the 21st century, where staying ahead of the competitive edge and optimum utilization of developer resources are vital.
  • Faster Deployments are of utmost importance, as you don’t want to keep your users waiting or switching to a competitior.
  • Fault Isolation is easier with the use of Microservices Architecture as it can target one service at a time.
  • Agile and DevOps are benefiting quite a lot from Microservices Architecture as it allows efficient collaborations among teams as well.

As you can see, to be on top of your competition, Microservices Architecture is a must!

Microservices Architecture: Ecommerce & Retail Industry

Now let us understand how Microservices Architecture helps the Retail and the Ecommerce industry.

Ecommerce platforms are quite complex and require frequent evolutions.

This is because they handle a lot of traffic, cater personalized UX or user experience, and have various integrations from different systems.

The retail industry faces the same dilemma.

Thus, with Microservices Architecture, these platforms can become much more resilient and agile. This will help the businesses in the retail and e-commerce industries to adapt as per customer expectations and business needs.

Ecommerce Microservices Architecture

Using Microservices Architecture in e-commerce helps in breaking down each functionality into independent services.

For example, services like product catalog, user management, payment processing, and shopping carts will function separately on an ecommerce platform built using the Microservices Architecture.

If any problem or any upgrade requirement arises in one of these, then the other services will not be affected.

The changes will happen with fewer developer resources and will take less time, too.

Personalized UX

Users like to have personalized user experience (UX) when shopping online.

This saves their time and helps them make purchase decisions better.

Plus, the users feel taken care of if an ecommerce or retail platform has user personalization features.

This means that each service will maintain its own database, which helps in managing data easily and accurately.

This helps in better implementation of a personalized UX!

Headless Architecture vs. Microservices Architecture

These are two architectures that are used in software development nowadays!

It is important to know the difference between the two to have an efficient software development cycle.

Headless ArchitectureMicroservices Architecture
The front-end GUI layer, or the graphical user interface, is disconnected from the backend coding.All services are broken down into separate and individual functions connected loosely by APIs.
It allows separate working on frontend and backend layers.Each service can be worked upon independently.
It helps in a more refined content delivery across various channels.It helps in boosting flexibility, scalability, and deployment timelines.

Fig 2. A tabular representation of comparison between headless and Microservices Architecture.

Both of these architectures are better than monolithic design, and thus it is up to the business and the developer team to choose the best option for them!

Challenges and Considerations Faced with Microservices Architecture

There are some challenges that one might face when imbibing the Microservices Architecture in their software development cycle.

They are as follows:

Complexity & Service Integration

Imagine your developer team is breaking down each function into an individual service for the Microservices Architecture, the amount of work and coordination required to keep it all together is huge.

All these services would also need separate monitoring.

Plus, integrating them back as one software will require a lot of precision work as well!

Effective Communication

It is needed not just among the services but also among the team and team members to ensure the output of fully functional software or an app with interconnected services via properly defined & crafted APIs.


As every service is separate, hacking attempts can be faced by any of them.

Thus, you will have to deploy ample security measures for each service, such as access controls, secure communication via properly defined protocols, and periodic security audits & updates.

Case Study| Deployment of Microservices Architecture in the Applications Developed by Wildnet Technologies


An Australian ecommerce company wanted to develop a new mobile app as their previous app was not allowing faster updates.


  • Their management was confused about whether to use Headless Architecture or the Microservices Architecture.
  • Plus, they needed to make their app much more personalized as per the individual user.


  • They got referred to us from another one of our clients, who had just gotten a top notch website developed by us.
  • We got on a discovery call to understand their requirements, their goals, i.e., to become the best ecommerce company in Australia, and their confusions.
  • Our developer experts audited their current app and surveyed their competitors apps.
  • Our developer experts suggested a Microservices Architecture in their latest app.


  • Their new app was developed faster and better than their competition.
  • Their app collected data for each service separately and thus allowed them to create ideal UX for all their users by personalizing it as per the user preferences.
  • Any service of the app could undergo upgradation while the rest of the app will still be online and functional.

The client was quite delighted by the app that our developer experts developed for them via Microservices Architecture.

They took a one-year service and maintenance subscription from us, to ensure their top spot in the ecommerce industry in Australia!

Conclusion: The Future of Microservices Architecture in Software Development

Microservices Architecture is not a trend that will be overwritten by another trend in the software development industry!

It is a reliable and most advanced software development architecture that will pave the way to user-centric and developer-centric software development cycles.

Users are evolving along with the digital world, and thus businesses need to follow through as well.

Microservices Architecture helps businesses own software, an app, or a website that can scale as per their users, instantly!

Wildnet Technologies is a champion in the software development industry with successful development of 849+ mobile apps and 1150+ website development for more than 4100 clients.

We do this via our Software Consulting services and Design & Development services!

If you would like to know more,

Contact us now at info@wildnettechnologies.com and get your digital solutions a Microservices Architecture!


FAQ 1. What is the microservice architecture and its impact on software development?

Ans: Microservices Architecture helps in breaking down each function of software, an app, or a website into separate services.

Thus, making it easier for the development team to manage and update them in the future.

In short, the software is quickly scalable, quite flexible, and easily deployable!

FAQ 2. Why did microservices architecture start to become a popular choice of architecture?

Ans: In a world where staying on top of all the latest trends and techs ensures the competitive edge, Microservices Architecture is the way forward and has thus gained popularity.

FAQ 3. Why might you select a microservices architecture for a new software development rather than a monolithic tier-based application?

Ans: As conveyed earlier in this blog, in Monolithic designed application, software is treated as a single entity, and this delays the deployment & scheduled maintenance.

Whereas in the microservices architecture, you work on whichever function you want without disrupting the other services (that stay online).

Thus, the monolithic vs microservices architecture debate will always be won by the microservices architecture.

FAQ 4. What are the benefits of microservices architecture in innovation?

Ans: When innovating, there are a lot of trials and errors until perfection is achieved!

This is only possible in the microservices architecture, as it allows the developer team to work on whichever services they want, leaving the other services working as usual.

FAQ 5. How do I implement microservices architecture in my digital solutions?

Ans: Be it software, an app, or a website, if you want it to have a microservices architecture, you can simply contact Wildnet Technologies!


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